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  3. Тест Spotlight 6 Модуль 9

Тест Spotlight 6 Модуль 9

Данная контрольная работа разработана на основе Progress Check 9. Состоит из 6 заданий. Проверяются знания активной лексики, неопределенно- личных местоимений any, some, слов many, much, a lot of, a little, a few, а также задание на знание времен Present Simple, Present Continious, Past Simple.


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Иностранные языки


Иностранные языки
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Name _________________________________________ Class ______________

Test 9 Variant -1

  1. Find nine words on the topic “Food and drinks”.


  1. Circle the odd word out.

  1. fibre, potassium, calcium, protein, cereal.

  2. boil, cuisine, stir, bake, peel, pour, fry.

  3. cake, jam, mushroom, biscuit, ice cream, honey.

  4. olive oil, milk, water, juice, lemonade, coffee.

  5. bitter, salty, sweet, hot and spicy, sour, snack.

  1. Write the correct word.

  1. a b _ _ of chocolate

  2. a c _ _ _ _ _ of orange juice

  3. a p _ _ _ _ _ of meat

  4. a k _ _ _ of tomatoes

  5. a b _ _ _ _ _ of olive oil

  1. a j _ _ of honey

  2. a l _ _ _ of white bread

  3. a p _ _ _ _ _ of pasta

  4. a b _ _ of potatoes

  1. Underline the correct word.

  1. Are you hungry? There is a little / a few roast beef left.

  2. I can’t make a cake. We haven’t got much / any eggs.

  3. We’ve got a lot of / a little bananas so you don’t have to buy any.

  4. This restaurant offers a few / a little vegetarian dishes.

  5. Are there some / any children in the class?

  6. Please buy me some / any stamps at the post office.

  7. Sam has a lot of / many friends on Facebook. About 1000.

  8. Howmuch / a lot of sugar do we have?

  1. Open the brackets using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.

  1. My mother _________________________ (cook) dinner every day.

  2. He _____________________________ (not / go) to school last year.

  3. ______________________________ (she/ eat) ice cream yesterday?

  4. Listen! Kate ___________________________ (sing) her favourite song.

  5. Where are you? I _______________________ (do) my homework at home.

  6. Hey, where ____________________________ (you / go)? – To the supermarket.

  7. Clara __________________________ (not / speak) Chinese, she is Korean.

  8. I _______________________ (not / work) on Sundays. It’s my day off.

  1. Match the questions to the answers.

  1. Are you ready to order, sir?

  2. Would you like anything to drink?

  3. Excuse me, can I have the menu?

  4. Hello, I’d like to book a table, please.

  5. How about going to the restaurant tonight?

  1. I’d love to.

  2. Yes, sure, here it is.

  3. Yes, we’d like the Chef’s salad.

  4. Yes, I’d like a glass of mineral water.

  5. Certainly, when would you like it for?

Name _____________________________________ Class ______________

Test 9 Variant -2

  1. Find nine words on the topic “Food and drinks”.


2. Circle the odd word out.

1) apple, banana, onion, pineapple, orange.

2) ice cream, milk, cheese, milkshake, cake.

3) meat, fish, flour, honey, biscuit, salt.

4) stir, choose, dice, peel, boil, bake, melt.

5) carton, jar, tin, box, packet, bag, adult.

3. Write the correct word.

1) a b_ _ of sweets

2) a l _ _ _ of brown bread

3) a c _ _ _ _ _ of milk

4) a p _ _ _ _ of cheese

5) a b _ _ of milk chocolate

6) a j _ _ of jam

7) a p _ _ _ _ _ of biscuits

8) a k _ _ _ of onions

9) a b _ _ _ _ _ of lemonade

4. Underline the correct word.

1. How many / much people were at the party?

2. There isn’t some / any soap. We need to buy more.

3. There is a few / a little coffee in the cup.

4. We’ve got a lot of / a little bananas so you don’t have to buy any.

5. I can’t make a cake. We haven’t got much / any eggs.

6. We only have a few / a little petrol left.

7. There’s some food but not some /any drink.

8. I usually spend a lot of / any time with my friends.

5. Open the brackets using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.

1. Ted _____________________________ (take) a shower right now.

2. My brother usually ____________________ (have) 6 lessons.

3. Where ________________________________ (you / live)?

4. Yesterday they ________________________ (not / study) for their exam.

5. It smells awful. ______________________________ (you / fry) fish?

6. Where ___________________________ (he / order) pizza last weekend?

7. I _____________________________ (not /drink) strong tea at night.

8.Luckily I ______________________ (take) an umbrella yesterday. It was raining all day.

6. Match the questions to the answers.

1. Is there any fish in the fridge?

2. What would you like to drink?

3. Hello, I’d like to book a table for tonight.

4. Could I have a cola, please?

5. Do you want the sirloin steak?

a) For how many people?

b) Yes, certainly.

c) A cup of green tea

d) No, thanks. I’m on a diet.

e) Yes, a little.

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Данная контрольная работа составлена на основе Progress Check 8. Проверяется знание активной лексики, модальных глаголов и степеней сравнения прилагательных. Предлагается 2 варианта. Контрольная работа содержит 6 заданий, можно использовать как раздаточный материал.
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Данная контрольная работа разработана на основе Progress Check 9. Состоит из 6 заданий. Проверяются знания активной лексики, неопределенно- личных местоимений any, some, слов many, much, a lot of, a little, a few, а также задание на знание времен Present Simple, Present Continious, Past Simple.
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