Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 7 класса
Тема: «Своя игра»
Актуальность мероприятия определяется тем, что оно учитывает интересы учащихся и согласуется с учебной программой.
Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся
Задачи: Обучающие:
обучение умению понимать английскую речь;
обучение навыкам монологической и диалогической речи;
обучение и формирование культурной грамотности учащихся;
обучение культуре общения.
развитие интереса к страноведческому материалу;
воспитание умения слушать других и быстро выражать свои мысли;
воспитание сотрудничества, коллективизма, общительности;
формирование уважения и интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка;
воспитание культуры общения и потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.
развитие интереса к предмету;
расширение кругозора;
развитие быстрой реакции;
развитие логического мышления;
развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций ученика, т.е. раскрытие гуманистического и гуманитарного потенциала его личности.
Оборудование: 20 звёздочек, 4 комплекта карточек от 0 до 5, таблички с названием стран, флаг Канады, карточки с заданиями, презентация «bethebest».
Использованная литература и методические материалы:
Барчева Т.Ф. Знаешь ли ты Англию? Проверь себя.// Читаем, учимся, играем, - 2001. - №7.
Ванина Т. П., Евдокимов М. С., Шлеев Г. М. Тесты по английскому языку. М.: Лист, 1998.
Димент А.Л. Тематические вечера на английском языке. – М. – 1988.
Иоаннесян И.Г. Игры на английском языке с использованием страноведческого материала.// Иностранныеязыкившколе, - 2003. - №4.
Leader 1: Good afternoon! I am glad to greet you at our game “Be the best”.
Leader 2: First of all let me introduce our teams and our jury. There are three teams here today. The first one is called “Factory of stars”. The second team is called “Sky stars”. The third one is called “Galaxy”. Please introduce yourselves.
1: Meet the jury.
2: Now listen to the rulesof our game. Our competition is devoted to the English-speaking countries. You will have to pass through two levels of the game. . If your answer is right, your team gets a “star”.
1: We wish you good luck. Let’s begin our game.
The first round
(On a board five cards: England - 1, America - 2, Canada - 3, Australia - 4, and New Zealand - 5).
2:Look at the cards and show me the number of the country Where do not speak on English.
Raise your tables with the numbers. Of course, Number zero is right. All teams receive a star.
1: We know English-speaking countries. And now the second question. Which country has this flag?
All right. Number Three is correct. You receive next star.
2:Where was born William Shakespeare?
Answer: cards №1
1: Which country has the Niagara Falls?
Answer: cards № 2
2: What country has capital is Wellington?
Answer: cards № 5
1: What country has two official languages?
Answer: cards № 3
2: Now, dear friends, the first round comes to the end. Let’s know, who are the winners of our quiz?
The second round
1: You know, of course, that Australia is an island continent, which was separated from the mainland long ago. And that’s why there are a lot of interesting animals in Australia. Have a look at the grid. The names of some Australian animals are hidden here. You should find them. You may search for the words in different directions. You can find the names of five animals here.
A | I | P | W | E | M | U | T | A | D |
B | P | K | X | D | G | O | G | N | I |
C | G | L | Y | E | K | P | O | B | G |
D | K | R | A | F | I | G | V | C | A |
E | I | S | Z | T | O | Q | W | D | L |
F | M | T | A | G | Y | R | X | E | A |
G | N | V | B | H | M | P | Y | F | O |
E | C | H | I | D | N | A | U | G | K |
H | O | U | C | I | N | S | Z | S | K |
O | O | R | A | G | N | A | K | H | I |
Answer: Emu, Dingo, Kangaroo, Koala, Echidna.
2:This task is for threeteams.Sing a song in English.
All teams receive a star.
1: Now, jury come here, please. What can you tell about results of the teams?
2:And we must say “Good-bye” to our lost teams. Please, applause our teams.
The Final round.
1: This is the Final round. You should answer questions of a quiz. Are you ready? Let’s go!
№1. What country is not a part of the United Kingdom?
№2. The Westminster Abbey is
a museum
a royal church
a park
a gallery
№3. The symbol of England is
a shamrock
a daffodil
a rose
a thistle
№4. The name of the Queen of the UK is
Mary Tudor
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth II
№5. The London home of the Queen is
Westminster Abbey
Tower of London
Buckingham Palace
Houses of Parliament
№6. Who wrote the book “Winnie- the-Poor”?
Lewis Carrol
Alan Milne
Rudyard Kipling
Beatrix Potter
№7. What color are the buses and telephone boxes in Britain?
red and blue
№8. The British money is
the dollar
the pound
the cent
the frank
№9. The flag of the UK is
red, white and green
blue, red and yellow
red, white and blue
white, blue and green
№10. London is on the river
1: OK! It was the final round!
2: Now, juries come here, please. What can you tell about results of the pupils? We congratulate, you are the best!
1: Guys, what have you learnt today? Which of the tasks have you found the most difficult? Which of the tasks was the most interesting? Why? How are you now?