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Choosing a Profession. Exam paper.

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Эта самостоятельная работа предназначена для учеников 9–10 классов. Она поможет проверить, насколько хорошо вы усвоили лексику по теме «Job» (работа). В работе вам нужно будет подобрать подходящую лексическую единицу, учитывая грамматическую структуру предложения и контекст.


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Иностранные языки


Иностранные языки
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Описание проекта

Choosing a Profession



(A) 1. Listen to Lena’s story and decide whether the statements below are true(T)or false (F)according to the text.


I decided to become a professional musician. I knew it would be difficult, but I wanted to try. However, my father didn’t like the idea. Of course, I didn’t want to tell him at first, because I knew he wouldn’t understand. But one day my father said he wanted to talk to me. He asked me what I intended to do when I left school. I told him I wanted to be a musician. He said that a career in music was very risky. He said I ought to become an accountant, because it was a very safe job. We talked for a long time. The longer we talked the more depressed I got. Of course, I could see my father was right in a way. I knew it would be more sensible to pass my exam and get a safe job. But I didn’t want to do that. I was only interested in playing the guitar. That was

I wanted to do!

Gap – расхождениевовзглядах

1. Lena chose a career of a professional musician. _____

2. Lena’s father wanted her to have a safe job. _____

3. The longer they talked the more depressed both of them got. _____

4. Lena knew it would be more sensible to be an accountant. _____

5. Lena’s father persuaded her to pass her exam and get a safe job. _____

(B) 2. Listen again, and for questions 1–4, complete the sentences with a word or a phrase.

1. Lena knew it would be difficult to become ___________.

2. Lena’s father thought that a career in music was very______.

3. Lena could see my father was right in a _______.

4. Lena ________ in playing the guitar.


Six sentences in the text are incomplete. Choose from the list A–Gthe one which fits each gap (1–6). There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.


Daniel and Liz used to work in central London. He was a journalist and she used to work for an international bank. They (1)_______________ from their large house in the suburbs leaving their children with a nanny. Most evenings Daniel (2)__________ until eight or nine o’clock, and nearly twice a month he would have to fl y to New York for meetings. They both (3)____________ but began to feel that life was passing them by. Nowadays they run a farm in the mountains of Wales. ‘I always wanted to have a farm here’, says Daniel, ‘and we took almost a year to make a decision to downshift. It’s taken some (4)__________, but it’s been worth it. We have to think twice now about spending money on car repairs and we no longer have any holidays. However, I think it’s made us stronger as a family, and the children are a lot happier.’ Liz, however, is not totally convinced. ‘I (5) ___________ even though it was hard work and long hours. I’m not really a country girl, but I suppose I’m (6)______________ looking after the animals. One thing I do like though is being able to see more of my children. My tip for other people wanting to do the same is not to think about it too much or you might not do it at all.’

Downshift – переходить с высокооплачиваемой, но связанной с чрезмерным стрессом и нагрузками и отнимающей все свободное время работы на более спокойную, хотя и низкооплачиваемую по сравнению с прежней.

A. earned a large amount of money

B. took the decision to downshift

C. gradually getting used to

D. would commute

E. getting used to

F. wouldn’t get home

G. used to enjoy my job


What jobs are linked to these six places? Distribute words from the box.

mate, back-office operators, nurse, chef, cleaner, receptionist, headteacher/principal, waiter, manager, purser, doctor, cashiers, secretary, sister, consultant, risk analyst, computer operators, porter, staff nurse, teacher, specialist, manager, assistant, security guard, surgeon, window dresser, caretaker, matron, accountant, coach/trainer, financial analyst, doctor of sports medicine, captain

1. a bank__________________________________________

2. a school________________________________________

3. a hospital _______________________________________

4. a department store _______________________________

5. a sports center ___________________________________

6. a cruise ship _____________________________________


(C5)You have 3–4 minutes to discuss the following problem:

Student A. You have always wanted to be something like a computer programmer. Your classmate is not sure what he is going to do after leaving school. Advise him to uncover his/her hidden abilities with a special computer programme. Your classmate knows about this test but has a skeptical outlook on it. You speak first.

Student B. Ask your classmate why he/she has always wanted to work in a computational field. Explain him/her why you can’t trust the results of this special computer programme.

Sample conversation.


I. 1. 1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F;

2.1. professional musician; 2. risky; 3. way; 4. was only interested.

II.1. D; 2. F; 3. A; 4. E; 5. G; 6. C.

III.1. financial analyst, risk analyst, back-office operator, manager, cashier, secretary, computer operator, security guard

2. headteacher/principal, teacher, caretaker, secretary

3. doctor, surgeon, nurse, matron, porter, sister, staff nurse, consultant, specialist

4. manager, window dresser, assistant, accountant

5. manager, coach/trainer, receptionist, cleaner, doctor of sports medicine

6. captain, purse, steward, waiter, mate, chef

Student A

Where are you going to study after leaving school? Do you know what your

future profession is?

– I have always wanted to be something

like a computer programmer. I like computers, besides maths is my favourite subject. I’m going to enter a university to study computer science.

Do you know about a computer programme which helps to uncover hidden

abilities? You can try it. This programme

consists of about two or three hundred

questions of different subject matter.

There are lexical, mathematical problems;

exercises to check your general knowledge; visual and abstract logic; attention. This test defines the sphere in which you would be better to work (science, business, art, or public service).

Student B

These are difficult questions. It’s great when you have long-standing dreams which can turn into something serious in the future. What if I do not gravitate towards a definite subject?…And you? Have you already formed an idea of what you’d like to do?

Yes, the profession of a programmer has a lot of advantages and can offer a lot of opportunities…

Yes, the testing is very interesting: you can find out something new about yourself. But according to this computer program I should be a musician. Unfortunately, when I was seven and went to musical classes my teacher told my parents that I was a hopeless case.

– Yes, because she was absolutely right.

– Did they believe her?

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Предлагаемый курс дает возможность учащимся окунуться в богатый мир современных профессий, сделать свой выбор и в дальнейшем более основательно подойти к изучению иностранных языков в школе. В ходе обучения учащимся необходимо понимать тематическую англоязычную лексику курса и ориентироваться в основных закономерностях и потребностях рынка труда. Все вышеперечисленное важно не только для предпрофильной подготовки учащихся, но и для подготовки школьников к дальнейшей самостоятельной жизни в обществе.
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Эта разработка поможет вам пополнить словарный запас по теме «Работа». В ней вы найдёте объяснения ключевых слов и выражений, которые используются в этой сфере, а также узнаете, как правильно употреблять их в предложениях. Так вы сможете лучше понять, как использовать эти слова в контексте.
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Эта самостоятельная работа предназначена для учеников 9–10 классов. Она поможет проверить, насколько хорошо вы усвоили лексику по теме «Job» (работа). В работе вам нужно будет подобрать подходящую лексическую единицу, учитывая грамматическую структуру предложения и контекст.
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