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Переводная контрольная работа для учащихся 7 класса в формате ВПР

Материал представляет собой переводную контрольную работу для учащихся 7 классов по английскому языку. Работа может быть использована в качестве экзаменационной. Контрольную работу можно применить в рамках подготовки к впр.


Старшие классы, Средние классы


Иностранные языки


Иностранные языки
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1. Установите соответствие между текстами A  — E и их темами, выбрав тему 1  — 6 из списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


1)  Transport

2)  Seasons

3)  Geography

4)  History

5)  Weather

6)  A place of interest

A)  Because the Atlantic Ocean is close to St. Petersburg, the city has a milder climate than it is typical for a territory so far in the north. At the same time, winters are rather cold, with a usual January temperature of about -6 °C, a few degrees warmer than in Moscow. Winter temperatures can drop below -40 °C, however. Snow stays on the ground for about 132 days.

B)  The Winter Palace is much larger than the eye can see. You must first look at it from afar, from the opposite bank of the Neva, then come closer, cross the bridge and the small garden near the Admiralty, and pause in Palace Square to see how beautiful the place is. The Winter Palace is a building which you will never forget once you've seen it.

C)  St. Petersburg is a city in the northwestern part of Russia. It is an important historical and cultural centre and a port. St. Petersburg lies about 400 miles (640 km) northwest of Moscow. The main river is the Neva River. It flows from Ladoga Lake to the Baltic Sea. The population of the city is about 6 million people; its area is 550 square miles.

D)  St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 by the Russian tsar Peter I who was dreaming of a new capital for his new Russia. The land on the site was marshy and the climate quite cold. A lot of people died while building the city. The first building in the city was Peter and Paul Fortress which is now visited by thousands of tourists every year.

E)  St. Petersburg is one of Russia's most important transport centres. Its port, the country's largest, is of international importance. Ships and steamboats connect the city with several western European ports in summers. The city is also a centre of rail routes. There are several big passenger rail terminals in the city. The city also has an underground.

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2. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из выпадающего списка.

Billy Green

Billy Green lives in London, the UK. He is a rap singer. He is one of the most famous rappers in the world. He gives A____concerts all over the world because he is very popular and people want to listen to his songs. B____come to his concerts and enjoy his music. Last week Billy Green C____to Moscow to give a concert there. He spent only three days in Moscow so he D____see all the sights of the city. Still, Billy Green liked Moscow very much. In his interview he said it was the E____city he had ever visited. He wants to return to Moscow as a tourist one day and see all the beautiful places of the Russian capital.

A 1)  little 2)  few 3)  many 4)  much

B 1)  They 2)  Them 3)  Their 4)  Themselves

C 1)  go 2)  went 3)  has gone 4)  will go

D 1)  can 2)  can't 3)  could 4)  couldn't

E 1)  good 2)  better 3)  best 4)  most good 

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3. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишние. 


OnecoldwinterdayJonnywaswalkingwithhisdogScruffywhenhemethisfriendsintheyard.MarcusandMarie were making a snowman. They invited Jonny to build a snowman together, and he was very (1)___________! They made a long pointy nose, and eyes out of two buttons. They used two long sticks to make the snowman's arms.

When they were all done, Marcus and Marie's mom came outside to (2)___________ their work. "This is an (3)___________ snowman!" she exclaimed. "Does anyone want hot chocolate?"

All three kids and Scruffy ran into the house and warmed up. An hour later, Jonny decided to go home. The sun was setting, and it was getting very cold, and Jonny was going to (4)___________ at their snowman again! He (5)___________ goodbye and ran out into the yard with his dog Scruffy.

1)  Afraid; 2)  Amazing; 3)  Excited; 4)  Look; 5)  Said; 6)  See; 7)  Spoke.

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