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Внеклассное мероприятие “X-MAS FUN”

Внеклассное мероприятие “X-MAS FUN” Цель: Совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения. Задачи: 1.образовательная - совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения. 2.воспитательная - расширение кругозора учащихся по страноведческому материалу, знакомство с традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании, воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре, традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка. 3.Развивающая - развитие и поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка, формирование положительной мотивации учения, развитие внимания, воображения, догадки. Тип урока: закрепление знаний. Форма урока: урок - игра. Используемые методы работы: индивидуальный, групповой, фронтальный, игровой.


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Внеклассное мероприятие “X-MASFUN

Цель: Совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения.


1.образовательная - совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения.

2.воспитательная - расширение кругозора учащихся по страноведческому материалу, знакомство с традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании, воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре, традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.

3.Развивающая - развитие и поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка, формирование положительной мотивации учения, развитие внимания, воображения, догадки.

Тип урока: закрепление знаний.

Форма урока: урок - игра.

Используемые методы работы: индивидуальный, групповой, фронтальный, игровой.


  • праздничное оформление кабинета,

  • компьютер,

  • интерактивная доска,

  • интерактивный плакат https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1659273042783633410

  • карточки для ответов.


I.Организационно-мотивационный этап

1. Приветствие (создание атмосферы иноязычного общения).

Well, friends, attention, please. I hope you’re fine today, aren’t you? Theweatheriswonderful.

2.Постановка целей и задач урока (определение учащимися целей и задач урока, подготовка учащихся к иноязычному общению).

We’ve gathered together today to hold the game. It’s called “X-MAS FUN”. Our game will be devoted to the most interesting, the most important, the most beautiful, and of course the most favorite holiday among the people all over the world – Christmas! We`re going to speak about the history of Christmas, Christmas dinner, Christmas look, Christmas wishes, Christmas entertainment and of course we`ll decorate a Christmas tree – the main symbol of this holiday.For each task you`ll get ornaments, and in the end of our lesson you should decorate your Christmas tree with these ornaments. The winner of the game will be the team with the most beautiful Christmas tree. We`ll have several tasks at the lesson. Some of them were prepared by you at home but most of them were not prepared.  I do hope that you’ve learnt a lot of interesting facts at our English lessons and I’m sure you’ll certainly get some more useful information today as well.

II. Операционно-деятельностный этап

1.Представление команд и членов жюри, ознакомление с правилами игры.

I asked you to split into two teams. Well, the captain of the first team is Ekaterina Golets and the team “Santa`s reindeer”. Your motto … Let’s greet the members of the first team. Applause, please. Meet the members of the second team with their captain Artyom Aladko and the team “Bells. Your motto … . And of course, the jury will be all eyes and ears to follow the game and they will be helpful to score the points (Приложение ).

The rules of the game are quite simple. You are to respect your group – mates and not to shout. No doubt, winning is the aim, but it is only a game. Don’t forget about it. And now it’s time to begin the game itself.

2.Содержание игры (раунды):

№ раунда



X-MAS FOR YOU (5 points)


X-MAS DINNER (10 points)


X-MAS LOOK (10 points)


X-MAS WISHES (6 points)


X-MAS FUN(4 points)


X-MAS CAROLS (7 points)

Christmas is annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on the 25th of December and on the7th of January all over the world. Does everybody know the history of the Christmas? Our angels – from the 5th Form - will help us to know about this holiday.

ANGEl1. Christmas! A moment of magic in all our lives. It is a special time when we wish you and your families love, health, happiness. And lasting peace throughout the world.

ANGEL2. British people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. As you know, Christmas is a religious holiday. Families come together to share their happiness, attend church, exchange presents.

ANGEL3. The Christmas story comes from the Bible. It tells us an interesting story of shepherds who were watching their sheep when an angel appeared to them. He told them that a Saviour was born in Bethlehem.

ANGEL4. The shepherds went there to see Jesus. The baby Jesus was born in a stable. His mother was the Virgin Mary and his father was Joseph.

ANGEL5. The Bible tells us how the Wise Men followed a star until it led them to Jesus. The Wise Men gave Jesus many gifts. Because of the birth of the Jesus Christ, the Christians celebrate Christmas.

ANGEL6. Christmas tree is becoming popular in England. The British people decorate it with ornaments and lights.

ANGEL7. It is wonderful, isn’t it? You can see a lot of toys on it. The lights are red, green and gold. Red symbolizes the blood of Jesus, which was shed in his crucifixion, green symbolizes eternal life, and gold is the first color associated with Christmas, as one of the three gifts of the Magi, symbolizing royalty.

Our guests have prepared for you the song which is also the symbol of Christmas. Listen to the song and enjoy the atmosphere of Christmas.

Let`s applause our guests.

Now it`s high time to start our game.

The first round is “X-MAS FOR YOU” (5 points)

Your task is to write down as many association as you can on these stickers. You can use this QR-code as additional source of information. You have 5 minutes. Let`s start.

Well done, let`s count your points.

(Баллы каждой команды записываются на доске после каждого раунда).

The second round is “X-MAS DINNER” (10 points)

What do Brits eat during Christmas dinner? People around the UK look forward to Christmas for many reasons, but one of the things they get very excited about is the thought of all the delicious food they can eat (and how much of it)! Some items on a traditional Christmas dinner menu might vary from region to region in the UK – so Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland will all have slightly different customs. But there is a general list of items you may find during Christmas dinner across Britain. Our guests – pupils from 8th Form - will tell you about the main dishes, there are ten of them. Your task is to write down the names of these dishes on your Christmas tables. Be very attentive. Let` start.

What's in a traditional English Christmas dinner?

1. Turkey

This one is probably one of the most popular dishes at Christmas because it is usually the main course! People often buy a frozen turkey, thaw it, and then roast it in the oven for a couple of hours before adding sauces…and then it’s ready to serve!

2. Roast Potatoes

These are often cut into small squares, and put into the oven with goose fat or olive oil, along with herbs, and salt and pepper. Once the edges are browned, the potatoes are good to go!

3. Stuffing

Stuffing is another dish that can vary from region to region. Herb stuffing is a more traditional choice, with large quantities of rosemary or thyme added to similar ingredients. The most popular type of stuffing at Christmas dinner is sage and onion. The stuffing can be served inside the turkey or as a side dish.

4. Pigs in Blankets

These are small sausages that are wrapped in bacon, and often surround the turkey when it is served. Fun fact: In Scotland, these are called kilted sausages!

5. Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire pudding is made from a batter that includes eggs, milk, and flour. It’s usually eaten with the roast turkey. Yorkshire Puddings are traditionally served with roast beef, many families choose to serve them alongside their Christmas dinner.

6. Gravy

Gravy is actually a type of sauce that comes from the drippings of the turkey when it is cooked. Then the drippings are mixed with wheat flour to make it thicker, salt and pepper, and finally poured over the slices of turkey and stuffing.

7. Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry sauce is another type of sauce that is made from, yes: cranberries! Pour a little onto the turkey and stuffing along with the gravy for a wonderful mixture of flavours!

9. Christmas Pudding

Christmas pudding is the most traditional dessert that is made from dried fruit and is normally served with brandy butter.

10. Mince Pies

Mince pies are tiny pies that are filled with fruits such as raisins, cranberries, and sultanas, as well as chopped nuts and spices such as cinnamon, sugar. Perfect with a cup of tea, and a nice finish to a delicious Christmas dinner!

Let`s applause our guests. You have 3 minutes to discuss.

Well done, let`s count your points.

(Баллы каждой команды записываются на доске после каждого раунда).

The third round is “X-MAS LOOK” (10 points)

Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. There`s no shortage of cheer when you`re surrounded by loved ones, enjoying your favourite Christmas traditions. Whether your Christmas plans include a holiday party or just evening at home with the family, you`ll want to have a Christmas outfit ready to go for all the festive fun you`re sure to have.

Your hometask was to prepare a Christmas outfit. We`re looking forward to your outfits.

Well done, let`s count your points.

(Баллы каждой команды записываются на доске после каждого раунда).

The fourth round is “X-MAS WISHES” (6 POINTS)

X-mas dinner and outfit are ready. When people gather together at Christmas they congratulate each other on this holiday.

Your task is to write down X-MAS WISHES on these stickers near your team-mates. This task should be done using this QR-code. You`ll have 5 minutes. When your team is ready, you should ring the bell. Let`s start.

Well done, let`s count your points.

(Баллы каждой команды записываются на доске после каждого раунда).

The fifth round is “X-MAS FUN” (4 points)

Now it`s time to have a rest and play the game which is called “Crocodile”. Do you know this game? I think – yes. Your task is to take any card and show us this word without any sound. The other team should guess it, if they don`t know the answer, the other team can do it. One right answer – 1 point to your team. All words are about Christmas and New Year.

Let`s start.

Well done, let`s count your points.

(Баллы каждой команды записываются на доске после каждого раунда).

The sixth round is “X-MAS SONGS” (7 points)

Holidays are the time when people have fun, gather together to spend this time with joy and pleasure and of course they sing songs. Christmas is not an exception.

Your task is to guess the name of the song and sing some lines of this song together with your team.

Let` start.

Well done, let`s count your points.

(Баллы каждой команды записываются на доске после каждого раунда).

III. Контрольно-оценочный этап.

1.Подведение итогов (обеспечение обратной связи, выявление трудностей, которые учащиеся испытывали во время урока, эмоционального состояния учащихся).

Let`s decorate your Christmas tree and we`ll see the winner of our game.

The results of our game are…

Congratulate the winner of the game. Thanks for your active participation and brilliant knowledge of English.

3.Рефлексия (получениеобратнойсвязи).

What was the most interesting for you\ the least interesting?

What facts surprised you?

Good luck.

Приложение 1



“Santa`s reindeer”




X-MAS FOR YOU (5 points)


X-MAS DINNER (10 points)


X-MAS LOOK (10 points)


X-MAS WISHES (6 points)


X-MAS FUN(4 points)


X-MAS CAROLS (7 points)

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Другие проекты автора

Выдающиеся люди Республики Беларусь и стран изучаемого языка. Тип урока: закрепление знаний. Форма урока: урок - игра. Используемые методы работы: индивидуальный, групповой, фронтальный, игровой. Цели: • Образовательные: o Совершенствование и пополнение лексической базы учащихся. o Формирование речевых навыков и навыков аудирования. o Совершенствование навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений. o Осуществление межпредметных связей с историей, литературой, мировой художественной культурой, музыкой. • Развивающие: o Формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся. o Поддержание интереса к изучению культурных традиций Великобритании. o Развитие мотивации к изучению английского языка. • Воспитательные: o Воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре и традициям других стран. o Воспитание толерантности, уважения учащихся друг к другу, умения слушать собеседника.
0 ₽
Внеклассное мероприятие “X-MAS FUN” Цель: Совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения. Задачи: 1.образовательная - совершенствование навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения. 2.воспитательная - расширение кругозора учащихся по страноведческому материалу, знакомство с традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании, воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре, традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка. 3.Развивающая - развитие и поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка, формирование положительной мотивации учения, развитие внимания, воображения, догадки. Тип урока: закрепление знаний. Форма урока: урок - игра. Используемые методы работы: индивидуальный, групповой, фронтальный, игровой.
0 ₽