Оригинальные идеи,

сценарии для досуга

Материалы для обучения

в любых сферах

Готовые решения

на любой возраст


на своих креативах


What would you like to be?

Данный урок предназначен для отработки навыков устной речи по теме "Моя будущая профессия", а также для отработки навыков употребления относительных местоимений. Учащиеся читают короткие тексты и подбирают подходящие к ним заголовки, отвечают на вопросы по текстам, составляют предложения с использованием относительных местоимений и разыгрывают диалоги в парах.


Старшие классы, Средние классы


Иностранные языки


Иностранные языки
Формат Текстовые документы

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What would you like to be?

1. Read the text and choose from the titles given below the one that suits it best.

  • “What would you like to be when you grow up?”

  • What is the best job in the world?”

  • “What do your parents want you to be?”

  • “What do your parents do for a living?”

2. a) According to these teenagers, which jobs give you the opportunity of…

  1. … meeting interesting people?

  2. … doing nothing?

  3. … being useful?

  4. … travelling?

  1. making money? actor, manager

  2. … being famous?

  3. … changing people’s lives?

  4. … enjoying life?

b) Match the first and second parts of the sentences below.

1. Fred would like … A. … Kings and Queens have the perfect job

2. In Alice’s opinion … B. … you have to enjoy what you are doing.

3. Helen admires people … C. … that there can be a perfect job in the world.

4. William likes the idea of … D. … to work with famous actors and actresses.

5. Sabrina doesn’t believe E. … having money without much work.

3. Explain who these children are. Join the sentences using who.

Example: 1. Fred is a boy who thinks that being an actor is perfect.

1. Fred is a boy. He thinks that being an actor is perfect.

2. Alice is a girl. She believes that being happy is important.

3. Andrew is a teenager. He wants to be a member of the Royal family.

4. Kate is a girl. She dreams of becoming a millionaire.

5. Sabrina is a student. She doesn’t believe there’s the best job in the world.

6. William is a boy. He doesn’t like writing letters.

7. Helen is a girl. She thinks that a doctor’s job is useful.

8. Pamela is a teenager. She has a good sense of humour.

4. Work in pairs. Make short conversations about the children. Describe them adding information from the texts.

Example: A: What can you say about Fred?

B:Well, Fred is a boy who dreams of becoming an actor.

A:Why do you think so?

C.Because he thinks that actors are people who travel a lot and make a lot of money.

5. What do you find most important in a job? Number ideas from 1 to 8 according to your preference. Report your choices to the class and explain why you have chosen them.

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