Noun / СуществительноеCountable / ИсчисляемоеUncountable / НеисчисляемоеSingular / Единственное число Plural / Множественное число
Glass - Can I have a glass of lemonade? = стакан →Can I have two glasses of lemonade? This statuette is made of glass. = стекло (материал)
–Where are my glasses? = очки
PaperI buy a paper every morning. = a newspaper (газета)My papers are in the briefcase. = документы,бумагиI need some paper to write on. = бумага(материал)
HairLook! There is a hair on your coat! = волос →Look! There are some hairs on your coat! I have got dark hair. = волосы
IronI bought an iron yesterday. = утюг → Now I have two irons. This detail is made of iron. = железо,материал
Chocolate–He gave me a box of chocolates. = коробкашоколадныхконфетDon’t eat too much chocolate. = шоколад,каксубстанция
Room - My room is large and light. = комната →There are three rooms in our flat. We’ve got enough room for all of you. = пространство,место
Wood - There is an oak wood near our country-house. = лес →Wolves live in the woods. I can make nice toys of wood. = материал
Experience - I remember one interesting experience of mine. = случай,событиеизжизни →She had a few unpleasant experiences while looking for a job. He is a good teacher; he has a lot of practical experience. = опытработы,стаж
Time Ввыражениях:
* one (two) at a time -один(два)зараз
* to have a good/bad time -хорошо/плохопровестивремяHow many times have you been to London? = сколькораз? I have no time. = времяAfter a time they came to the lake. = длительное / некотороевремя
Fish - I saw a fish in the water. = рыба,рыбина →There are five fish in my aquarium. Can I have some fish? = рыбакакблюдо
There are many fishes in the ocean.= видырыбы
Tea - Can I have a tea, please? = чашка чая (заказ в ресторане) →Two teas.Tea is a favourite drink of the British. = жидкость,напиток
Coffee - Would anybody like a coffee? = a cup of → Two coffees. You should cut down on coffee. = жидкость,напиток
Fruit - Pineapple is an exotic fruit. = сортфруктов–We eat fruit every day. = фрукты - неисчисляемое
Juice - I‘d like an orange juice. = стакансока (вресторане,кафе)–Would you like some juice? = жидкость,напиток
Ice-cream - Mother bought me an ice-cream.= одна порция мороженного, когда оно упаковано по порциям →Motherboughtmetreedifferent ice-creams.Do you like vanilla ice-cream? = субстанция
Work - This work of Picasso is amazing. = произведениеискусства →These works of Shakespeare are well-known in our country. They are looking for work.= работа,занятие
I have a lot of work to do.= работа,нагрузка,задания
Business - My uncle has a business in Canada. = компания →He also has three businesses in Australia. Travel business is developing in our region. = бизнес,деятельность,торговля
Gossip - Mary is a terrible gossip. Don’t trust her. = сплетник,сплетница (очеловеке) →All my colleagues are gossips. There is much gossip about their relations.= сплетни,обсуждения
Help - Tom is a real help for me. = помощник,наемныйработник (очеловеке) →Tom and Sam are real helps for me. I can’t cope with this task. I need some help. = помощь,содействие
Toast - He proposed a good toast at my Birthday. = тост, короткое высказывание перед тем, как выпить → Tentoasts wereproposedattheparty.I ‘d like some toast (a slice of toast) for breakfast. = тост,зажаренныйхлеб
Chicken - A chicken is a funny small bird. = птица →Three chickens
I don’t like pork, I prefer chicken. = meat
Please, give me some chicken. = a portion of food
Pepper - There is only one pepper in the fridge. = одиновощ,перчина →Two peppersYou need some salt and some pepper to make the dish spicy. = специя,молотыйперец
Carrot - One carrot is enough for the salad. = овощ →Four carrotsPut some carrot into the saucepan. = тертаяморковь
Noise - I heard a strange noise. = отдельный звукI keep hearing noises. My neighbours make a lot of noise. I can’t stand noise. = шум Drawing / Painting I saw a drawing / painting of Picasso. = произведениеискусства →Drawings / paintings Drawing / painting is my hobby. = хобби,занятие
Knowledge - A knowledge of medicine is necessary for a food nurse.
They have a good knowledge of English = определенныйнавык–Knowledge is power. = понимание,знание.
Water–Exotic fish live in warm waters. = воды,воднаятерриторияWater covers most of the Earth surface. = вода