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  3. План-конспект урока "We choose healthy life" (Мы выбираем здоровый образ жизни). по УМК "Spotlight", 11, модуль 4

План-конспект урока "We choose healthy life" (Мы выбираем здоровый образ жизни). по УМК "Spotlight", 11, модуль 4

Урок английского языка, который вы посмотрели, входит в раздел 4: «Здоровье». Тема урока: Мы выбираем здоровый образ жизни, это 2й урок в разделе после темы опасностей для жизни. Урок открытие новых знаний Цели урока: Активизация в речи учащихся новой лексики по теме Заболевания, развитие навыков устной речи, навыки диалогического и монологического высказывания; развивать умение применять материал в практических ситуациях.


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"Wechoosehealthylife" (Мы выбираем здоровый образ жизни). Открытый урок в 11-м классе (по УМК "Spotlight", 11, модуль 4)

Цели урока.

  • Активизация в речи учащихся новой лексики по теме, формирование навыков работы над упражнениями.

  • Развитие навыков устной речи, навыки диалогического и монологического высказывания; развивать умение применять материал в практических ситуациях.

  • Воспитание интереса к культуре изучаемого языка.

  • Закрепление полученных знаний.

Задачи урока:


-обобщение лингвострановедческих материалов по теме "Illnesses";”Professions

-oвладеть лексическим материалом и расширить кругозор по теме “Заболевания ”;


-развивать мышление, память;

-формировать познавательный интерес учащихся к предмету;

-тренировать внимательность.

-развивать способности к логическому изложению, к догадке, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия, развивать коммуникабельность;


-формировать уважительное отношение к иной культуре;

-воспитывать умение работать в коллективе, в группе, паре;

-воспитывать толерантное отношение к стране изучаемого языка.

-повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку, прививать интерес к знаниям;

-формирование профориентации и социализации обучающийся в рамках современного урока английского языка


- формировать уважительное отношение к различным профессиям;

Оснащение урока:

1) УМК “Spotlight” 11 класс,

2) компьютер, презентация

3) запись mp3,

4) раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

I.Мотивационныйэтап. Greeting. Warm-up.

1.Вступительноесловоучителя. Teacher:

Good afternoon to all of you. Take your seats. Glad to see you. How are you today? You are full of energy and optimism because you are young, and when a person is young and healthy he is ready to cope with problems and difficulties. Well, before we start discussing problems I’d like you to warm up.

1. Pair Work: Match the proverbs.

(На экране учащиеся видят начало и окончание пословиц, которые необходимо соединить. Для удобства ребята получают это же задание в распечатанном виде).( 5мин)

1 Time is…

A - …is worth two in the evening.

2An apple a day

B - …with the lamb and rise with the lark.

3Health is…

C - …a great healer.

4 Go to bed …

D - …early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

5 An hour in the morning …

E - … keeps a doctor away

6 Early to bed …

F - …better than wealth .

(Ответы: 1 - С, 2 – E, 3 – F, 4 – B, 5 – A, 6 – D)

  1. Время — лучший лекарь.

  2. Одно яблоко в ночь гонит доктора прочь.

  3. Здоровье дороже денег.

  1. Ложиться спозаранку и вставать с петухами

  2. Один утренний час стоит двух вечерних

  3. Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. Кто рано встает, тому бог подает.

II .Определение темы урока (Этап актуализации знаний по предложенной теме и осуществление первого пробного действия) 1 mn

What are most of these proverbs about? (health and healthy way of life)

Than can you tell me the topic of today’s lesson? So, the subject of our lesson today is “We Choose Healthy Life”.

What is our aim for the lesson? - To talk about health problems. Canwe? –No,wecannot.

IIIРазработка проекта, плана по выходу их создавшегося затруднения 3 mn

What do we need? - New words and phrases. Firstly, we will learn new words, than will practice speaking with them.

IVОсновной этап урока. Now look at the board. We have new words to learn:

Cough-кашель hacking – сухой,отрывистый tickly – щекочущий

Runny – сопливый, мокрый (о носе) /streaming – сильный /blocked – заложенный

headache – головная боль / throbbing – пульсирующий /splitting – сильный/ dizzy - головокружение

Chest – грудная клетка

Faint – упасть в обморок

Hay fever – аллергия на цветочную пыльцу

Heart attack – сердечный приступ

Rash – сыпь

Catch a cold – простудиться

Chickenpox – ветрянка

Temperature – температура

to sneeze – чихать

to wheeze – сопеть,хрипеть

vomit – тошнить,рвать

infection – инфекция



sprain - растяжение

Now open your books at page 66. exercise 1. Match the words in columns to make colocations. (5 min)

runny/streaming/blocked - nose

(насморк/текущий/заложенный – нос)

splitting/thumping/bad/terrible - ache


throat/chest/ear/eye - infection

(в горле/в груди/ушная/глазная – инфекция)

streaming/bad/stinking – cold

(текучая/ужасная/мерзкая – простуда)

stomach/ear/back - ache

(в желудке/в ухе/спине – боль)

high/slight - temperature

(высокая/незначительная – температура)


(острая/тупая/пульсирующая – боль)


(частый сухой/сухой/ - кашель)

Фронтальнаяработа: 1-2 mn

Do you often go to doctors? Is it a necessary profession?

Do you always use traditional methods of treatment?

Do you believe in alternative medicine?

What things can improve your health when you are ill?

What type of a doctor do you need more often? Are there any other types?

People can have different health problems and we need different types of doctors for them.

What type of doctor do you need? 3 mn

  1. A general practitioner is trained to provide healthcare to patients

  1. A pediatrician is a doctor that specializes in childhood medicine, or those under 18

  2. An orthopedist works with the joints, muscles, and bones

  3. Allergist/Immunologists are trained to treat allergies and disease of the immune system, such as asthma.

  4. Psychiatrists focus exclusively on mental health.

  5. Otolaryngologistsare often referred to as ENTs, for Ear, Nose, and Throat.

  6. A dermatologist is a doctor specializing in the skin. Dermatologists treat chronic and short-term, including cancer, psoriasis, and acne.

  7. Cardiologists treat and diagnose problems with the heart and blood vessels.

  8. A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a health care professional who specializes in treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.

VIПервичное закрепление нового знания. Role-playing dialogue (a game) 7 mn

Take turns to offer help to your partner who is not feeling well! Choose the right specialist




  1. A:What’s the matter with you?

B:I have a sore throat and a temperature.

A:Probably you caught bad cold. You need to visit a…( general practitioner)

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have just had a heart attack

A:Probably you need to visit a…(Cardiologist)

B:…(You could be right/That’s a good idea)


A: What’s the matter with you?

B:Running makes me wheeze

A:Probably you have asthma. You need to visit a…(Immunologist)

B:…(You could be right/That’s a good idea)

4)A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have a bad earache and a temperature…

A:Probably you need to visit a…(Otolaryngologists)

B:…(You could be right/That’s a good idea)

5)A: What’s the matter with your son?

B:His nose won’t stop running

A:Probably he caught bad cold. You need to visit a… (pediatrician)

B:…(You could be right/That’s a good idea)

  1. A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle

A:Probably you need to visit a…(orthopedist)

B:…(You could be right/That’s a good idea)

  1. A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have a bad toothache and a temperature…

A:Probably you need to visit a…(dentist)

B:…(You could be right/That’s a good idea)

8)A: What’s the matter with you?

B: My hay fever’s bad today! I can’t stop sneezing.

A:Probably you need to visit a…( Allergist)

B:…(You could be right/That’s a good idea)

9) A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have got a strange rash on my arm.

A:Probably you need to visit a…(dermatologist )

B:…(You could be right/That’s a good idea)

  1. A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have got too much stress.

A:Probably you need to visit a…( Psychiatrist )

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

Здоровье сберегающие технологии (Физ минутка)

I hope you will never need this type of a doctor.When you worry a lot you may get stressed. Is stress good or bad?

Let’s have a short rest:

Close your books!Close your eyes! Open your eyes! Look left! Look right! Look up! Look down! Look at your partner! Smile at your partner! Put your left hand on your partner’s left knee. Scratch it!Put your right hand on your partner’s right shoulder. Scratch it! Give your partner a five! Give your partner a hug!

Now we are ready to go on!

Фронтальная работа:

1. When can you call a doctor? – When we feel bad

2. What does the doctor examine? Our health

3. What does he diagnose? The illness

4. What does the doctor prescribe? Medicine

5. Where do you take the prescription to? At the chemist’s

6. Will you get better if you do not obey the doctors orders? –Of course we won’t

VII Самостоятельная работа и проверка по эталону

Now listen to the telephone call and fill the gaps. (Приложение 3)

Let’s check the answers!

1French (французский)

2earache (боль в ухе)

3 hearing (слышать)

4 two (два)

5 Tuesday (вторник)

Well done!

VIII. Conclusion.

1.Составлениесинквейнов.Учащимся предлагается составить синквейн к словам Health,Happiness,Stress и т.д., к любому слову, связанному с темой урока.

VIII. Conclusion.Work in groups of four

1. Составление синквейнов. Учащимся предлагается составить синквейн к словам Health, Happiness, Stress и т.д., к любому слову, связанному с темой урока.

1 строка – тема синквейна - существительное

2 строка – описание признаков и свойств объекта – два прилагательных

3 строка – характерные действия объекта – три глагола

4 строка – фраза, выражающая личное отношение автора к объекту

5 строка – синоним, ассоциация по теме



Good, strong.

Care, support, preserve.

I enjoy being healthy.


Домашнеезадание, Your home task is p.66 ex 3 , p. 67 ex 5



Can we talk about health problems now? Did you like the lesson? Think of 5 words/phases you have learnt this lesson. Close you book and tell the partner.

Приложение 1

1 Time is… A - …is worth two in the evening.

2 An apple a day … B - …with the lamb and rise with the lark.

3 Health is … C - …a great healer.

4 Go to bed … D - …early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

5 An hour in the morning … E - … keeps a doctor away

6 Early to bed … F - … better than wealth.

Приложение 2

Cough-кашель hacking – сухой,отрывистый tickly – щекочущий

Runny – сопливый, мокрый (о носе) /streaming – сильный /blocked – заложенный

Chest – грудная клетка

Faint – упасть в обморок

Hayfever – аллергия на цветочную пыльцу

Heartattack – сердечный приступ

Rash – сыпь

Catchacold – простудиться

Chickenpox – ветрянка

Temperature – температура

to sneeze – чихать

to wheeze – сопеть, хрипеть

vomit – тошнить, рвать

headache – головнаяболь / throbbing – пульсирующий /splitting – сильный/ dizzy - головокружение

infection – инфекция



sprain - растяжение

Приложение 3

Health Direct

Telephone service 24 hour

Name of caller: James 1)…

_____________________________________________________________________________Symptoms: severe 2) ……………… /high temperature/loss of 3) ………….../feel dizzy

Information/advice given:

  • Take up to 4)……………………aspirin every four hours

  • Antibiotics may be necessary

Acton taken : organized doctor’s visit at home on 5)……………………at 10 am

  1. A: What’s the matter with you?

B: I have a sore throat and a temperature.

A: Probably you caught bad cold. You need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

2 A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have just had a heart attack

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

3)A: What’s the matter with you?

B:Running makes me wheeze

A:Probably you have asthma. You need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

4)A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have a bad earache and a temperature…

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

5)A: What’s the matter with your son?

B:His nose won’t stop running

A:Probably he caught bad cold. You need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

6)A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

7)A: What’s the matter with you?

B: I have a bad toothache and a temperature…

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

8) A: What’s the matter with you?

B: My hay fever’s bad today! I can’t stop sneezing.

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

9) A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have got a strange rash on my arm.

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

10)A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have got too much stress.

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

Приложение 6

1)A: What’s the matter with you?

B: I have a sore throat and a temperature.

A: Probably you caught bad cold. You need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)


A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have just had a heart attack

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)


A: What’s the matter with you?

B:Running makes me wheeze

A:Probably you have asthma. You need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

4)A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have a bad earache and a temperature…

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

5)A: What’s the matter with your son?

B:His nose won’t stop running

A:Probably he caught bad cold. You need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

6)A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

7)A: What’s the matter with you?

B: I have a bad toothache and a temperature…

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

8) A: What’s the matter with you?

B: My hay fever’s bad today! I can’t stop sneezing.

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

9) A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have got a strange rash on my arm.

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)

10)A: What’s the matter with you?

B:I have got too much stress.

A:Probably you need to visit a…

B:… (You could be right/That’s a good idea)


(Учащимся предлагается посмотреть на экран и ответить на вопросы небольшой анкеты):

Do you look after yourself?

1.How many hours per night do you sleep?

a.Under 6 hours; b) about 7 or 8 hours; c) more than 9 hours.

2.How often do you clean your teeth?

a.Once a day; b) twice a day; c) after every meal.

3.How often do you do physical exercise?

a.Never; b) once a week; c) two or three times a week.

4.How often do you eat sweets or chocolate?

a.Never; b) occasionally; c) quite a lot.

5.How many pieces of fresh fruit do you eat per day?

a.One or two; b) more than two; c) none.

После ответов на вопросы анкеты учащиеся делают выводы о своем образе жизни).

Check your answers to the questionnaire. 1. a) You probably aren’t getting enough sleep. b) 7 or 8 hours per night is sufficient for most people. c) you are a sleepy head, aren’t you!

2. a) Once a day is not enough! b) Once in the morning and once at night is probably OK. c) Very good. Dentists recommend cleaning teeth after every meal.

3. a) You should take up some kind of sport! b) Good--once a week is better than never! c) Excellent! You must be very fit.

4. a) Well done! You probably save lots of money on dentist bills. b) Well, every now and then is OK. c) You should cut down!

5. a) Good. As they say -- an apple a day keeps the doctor away! b) Very good. Doctors recommend several pieces of fruit per day. c) You really should try to eat more fresh fruit.

Can you make a conclusion about your health ?

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