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  3. Тематический урок английского языка Valentine's day для старшеклассников

Тематический урок английского языка Valentine's day для старшеклассников

Конспект тематического урока Valentine's day для обучающихся 9-11 класса, отработка навыков говорения. Возможен к проведению как очно, так и дистанционно. Предполагает работу с видео, устный ответ, монолог с подготовкой и без.


Старшие классы, Средние классы


Иностранные языки


Иностранные языки
Формат Текстовые документы

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Тема: Valentine's Day

Цель: отработка навыков говорения по заданной теме

Организационно- мотивационный этап.

1. Просмотр видео

2. Задание по видео. Аудирование, gap-filling



What do you think about this holiday? Do you celebrate it?

What are we going to do at the lesson? What is our aim today?

Этап отработки нового знания.


1. Some people strongly believe we should be romantic every day, while others strongly believe otherwise. What opinion do you support?

2. Look at the list of things on the screen. What comes to mind with these things? What do you think of them? Complete this table and share what you wrote with your partner(s).


What Comes to Mind

My Thoughts

Valentine's Day






Graduation Day



New Year's Day






Interview Day



3. Rank these with your partner. Put the most romantic things at the top.

Red roses


Walks on the beach



Saying "I love you"

Italian meals

Holding hands


4. Talk about these topics or words from the article. What will the article say about them?

Valentine's Day / red roses / pink hearts / candlelit dinners / break-ups / dumped /

goodbye / spicy / sweet / real life / delivery driver / excuse / relationship / bad news

5. Read the article.

When we think of Valentine's Day, we think of romance. Images of red roses, pink hearts and candlelit dinners come to our minds. We rarely envisage breaking up with our partner. However, restaurant chain Pizza Hut is selling a Valentine's pizza for those who want to ditch their better half. Pizza Hut is selling "Hot Honey Goodbye Pies" in New York, Chicago and Miami. Pizza Hut will write the name of your soon-to-be ex on the box of the pizza. For those who live elsewhere, Pizza Hut has an online service to aid the break-up. Customers can go to the GoodbyePies.com website to send a break-up message, along with a link for the "future-ex" to receive a complimentary pizza to help them get over being dumped.

Pizza Hut's goodbye pie pizzas are a blend of sweet and spicy flavours. The company's chief marketing officer said: "With the launch of Goodbye Pies, we are bringing that perfect blend of sweet and heat…to real life. We are delivering spicy news in the sweetest way for Valentine's Day." The company's website said: "Break-ups are awkward. We can help. Send a free…Goodbye Pie from now through Valentine's Day, and the delivery driver will deliver the bad news in the best way." It added: "We'll generate an expertly crafted, carefully curated, and potentially plausible break-up excuse for you." A YouGov poll stated that 45 per cent of people believe it is best to end a relationship before February 14.


6. Match the word from the article with its definition.

 Paragraph 1




A restaurant or store that has many shops or branches around the country / world.




To imagine or picture something in your mind.


ditch (verb)


Someone who used to be your romantic or married partner.




In another place; not here.




End a relationship with someone.




Ended a relationship with someone abruptly or without care.




Given or provided for free, as a gift or without charge.

    Paragraph 2


blend (noun)


To start or send off something, like a rocket or a new product.


launch (verb)


Carefully selected and organized, often for a specific purpose or audience.




A mix of things combined together.




Uncomfortable or embarrassing; not smooth or easy.




Believable or seeming reasonable.




To produce or create something.


excuse (noun)


A reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offence.

After reading

7. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or false (F).

1.Red hearts and pink roses spring to mind when they think of Valentine's. T / F

2.Our minds are always on candlelit dinners on Valentine's Day. T / F

3.You can get the name of the partner you want to leave on the pizza box. T / F

4.The partner you want to leave can get a free pizza. T / F

5.The goodbye pizzas are all spicy and sour. T / F

6.Pizza Hut says it delivers spicy news in a sweet way. T / F

7.You can get an expertly crafted excuse to go with the goodbye pizza. T / F

8.Most people in a poll said it's better to finish things before February 14. T / F

8. Comprehension questions

  1. What kind of dinners were mentioned in the article?

  2. Who did the article say people wanted to ditch?

  3. What is the name of the Valentine's pizzas?

  4. Where will Pizza Hut write the name of the partner they want to leave?

  5. What can the partner being dumped get for free?

  6. What kinds of flavours are the pizzas a mix of?

  7. What does Pizza Hut's website say about break-ups?

  8. Who will deliver the pizza in the best way?

  9. What potentially plausible thing will a website create?

  10. When did people in a poll believe it was best to end a relationship?

9. Do you agree with the statement that we should never break up with a partner on Valentine's Day?

Write 4 arguments supporting your position.

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