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  3. Theme: «Speaking about British schools»

Theme: «Speaking about British schools»

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Задачи урока: 1. Знакомство учащихся с системой образования Великобритании. 2. Тренировка навыков монологической речи по теме «Образование». 3. Активизация изученной лексики в знакомых речевых образцах английского языка. 4. Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, умения наблюдать и анализировать.


Старшие классы, Средние классы


Иностранные языки


Иностранные языки
Формат Текстовые документы

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Theme: «Speaking about British schools».

Цель урока:знакомство с системой образования в Великобритании.

Задачи урока:

  1. Знакомство учащихся с системой образования Великобритании.

  2. Тренировка навыков монологической речи по теме «Образование».

  3. Активизация изученной лексики в знакомых речевых образцах английского языка.

  4. Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, умения наблюдать и анализировать.


  • совершенствовать речевые навыки: умение вести беседу по проблеме, умение понимать на слух высказывания по теме, умение найти информацию в прочитанном тексте;


  • формировать интерес к предмету;

  • формировать мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению английского языка;


  • воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: наглядные материалы, презентация.

Тип урока: урок комбинированного типа.

Форма и виды работы: Индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.



Teacher: Good afternoon, children!

Pupils: Good afternoon, teacher!

Teacher: I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

Teacher:Who is duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today?

Pupil:Today is the 13th of March.

Teacher: Look at the screen and tell me please, how are you today?

Pupil1: I am fine.

Pupil2: I am bad.

Pupil3: I am happy.

Teacher: Thanks. So, open your copybook and write down the date. Now I’ll read the sentences and you should try to continue them and note your answers in column. You will listen to 6 sentences. Are you ready? The first:

  1. The birds fly in the ……. (sky)

  2. It is the most popular pet after the dog……(cat)

  3. You can play it on the ice ……… (hockey)

  4. It is the 10th month in year …….. (October)

  5. ThePacific ……. (ocean)

  6. It is a king of animals……(lion)

Ребята слушают предложения и дописывают продолжение на английском. Всеответызаписываютсявколонку.

Teacher: Very good. Tell me please, how do you think what is the theme of our lesson?

Pupil: I think we will talk about the school.


2. Постановка частных проблем.

Teacher: Tell me, what do you associate with school? You have the word «school». What do you remember?

Pupil1: I remember the teachers.

Teacher: Right, what else?

Pupil2: I remember the subjects.

Teacher: Right. Let’s draw the sun and write down your answers.

Учитель рисует на доске кластер. В центре написано слово «Школа», а по краям слова с которыми ассоциируется это слово.

Shape1Shape2 breaks rules

Shape3 subjects





Teacher: Thank you for your work. Tell me please, what do you know about British schools? Let’s try to answer the question. So, we have the problem in term of question.

I suggest you to draw our fishbone

What do you know about British school??




Uniform subjects marks clubs



Please, put your pen on the table. Close your eyes. Let's do exercises for our eyes:



Teacher: Now I’ll divide you into 2 groups. Every group will receive the similar texts. You should add the most useful information to our fishbone. It is the information about the uniform, subjects, schools and clubs in British schools. You should work in group and you can use the dictionaries. Do you have any questions? You have 10 minutes.

Детиработаютвгруппахстекстом.Их задача заполнить пропуски на рисунке и ответить на наш главный вопрос.

Schools in Britain. 
Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free for all children between the ages of 5 and 16. Nursery schools or playgroups.  Many British children attend a nursery school from the age of 3, but it is not compulsory. In nursery schools they learn some elementary things such as numbers, colours, and letters. Apart from that, babies play, have lunch and sleep there. Primary education lasts for 6 years. It is divided into two periods: infant schools (pupils from 5 to 7 years old) and junior schools (pupils from 7 to 11 years old). In infant schools children don't have real classes. They mostly play and learn through playing. It is the time when children just get acquainted with the classroom, the blackboard, desks and the teacher. When pupils are 7, real studying begins. They do a lot of things in class. 40% of time — English; 15% - Physical Education; 12% - Art and Technology. They also do Mathematics, Geography and History. 

After six years of primary education children take exams in core subjects and go to a secondary school. Compulsory secondary education begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years. Most children go to state comprehensive schools. Parents do not pay for their education. It is free. 
There are also about 500 private schools in Great Britain. Most of these schools are boarding ones, where children live as well as study. Education in such schools is very expensive, that's why only 5 per cent of schoolchildren attend them. The most famous British private schools are Eton, Harrow and Winchester. 
Prince William, the Queen’s grandson sat for the entrance exam to Eton College and was admitted. There he studied geography, biology and history of art. Secondary school children study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign language and have lessons of Physical training. Religious education is also provided. English, Mathematics and Science are called "core" subjects. At the age of 7, 11 and 14 pupils take examinations in the core subjects. After five years of secondary education, pupils take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examination. 60% of children leave school and go to colleges for further education.  40% of pupils study for 2 more years for "A' (Advanced) Level Exams in two or three subjects which is necessary to get a place at one of British universities. 

Young people in Britain usually take a gap year when they are about eighteen years old, before going to university. Most of young people use this year for travelling. 
Universities usually select students basing on their A-level results and an interview. The best universities are The University of Oxford, The University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, London Imperial College, London University College. 
The school year begins in September. It never begins on Monday. The English don't think it is good to start a new thing on Monday, so school usually begins on the first Tuesday of September. There are three terms in a school year. When the term is over, schoolchildren have holidays: Christmas holidays - 2 weeks Easter holidays — 2 weeks Summer holidays — 6 weeks 
Pupils usually have five lessons five days a week. At four o'clock classes are usually over and pupils go home. Schools offer after school activities such as sports club (swimming, football, etc.) ITC (Information Technology) classes, book clubs, art clubs, drama and music. 
There is a long lunch break in the afternoon after the third lesson. Most children bring their own packed lunch from home. A packed lunch usually consists of sandwiches, fruit, a drink and a packet of crisps. 
Marks.  A – 90-100 – excellent, B – 80-89 – good, C – 70-79 – satisfactory, D – 60-69 – bad, E – 0-59 – poor. Sometimes «+» (plus) and «-» (minus) are added. 
Most schools in Britain require children to wear a school uniform. 
It is one of the oldest country's traditions. A boy's uniform includes a tie and a blazer. A girl's uniform consists of a coat, a skirt and a blouse. School uniforms play a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of schools as it can support positive behavior and discipline, ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome, protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way. Sport is important in British schools. Sports culture is very strong in private schools in the United Kingdom. The most popular sports are football, basketball, cricket, tennis, rugby. 


сompulsory – обязательное

Nursery schools or playgroups – детскийсад

Attend – посещать

Apart from that – кроме

Primary education – начальноеобразование

infant schools – дошкольноеобучение

junior schools – начальнаяшкола

core subjects – основныеучебныепредметы

secondary school – средняяшкола

state comprehensive schools – государственныеобщеобразовательныешколы

private schools – частныешколы

boarding – закрытые

GeneralCertificateofSecondaryEducation – аттестат зрелости по окончанию среднего образования

gapyear – интервал в год

select – выбирают

ImperialCollege – государственный колледж

terms – семестр

packetofcrisps – пачка хрустящей картошки

require – требовать

ethos – моральная цель

ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать

backgrounds – окружение

pressures – давление

Teacher: Boys and girls, time is over. Let’s check up your work. Start with uniform…what kind of uniform do they have?

Pupils1:A boy's uniform includes a school cap, a tie and a blazer. A girl's uniform consists of a hat, a coat, a skirt and a blouse. The uniforms vary from school to school. Usually, they are dark.

Teacher: The second, what kind of subjects do they have?

Pupils2: There are several subjects such as History, English, Geography, Arithmetic, Arts, Music, Swimming and other.

Teacher: The third, what kind of marks do they have?

Pupils3:There are a lot of marks such as A – 90-100 – excellent, B – 80-89 – good, C – 70-79 – satisfactory, D – 60-69 – bad, E – 0-59 – poor. Sometimes «+» (plus) and «-» (minus) are added. 
Teacher:Lastwhat kind of clubs do they have?

Pupils4:At schools there are many clubs such as: singing club, water world, musicians club, school theatre, chess club, computer club, drawing and dancing clubs.

  1. Рефлексия.

Teacher: Thank you for your work. You can sit in your places. Now you will receive the clean paper, sign your name and surname. Look at screen please you see 5 sentences you should choose the right answer. Youhave 5 minutes.

На слайде написаны предложения, задача учеников прочитать предложения и выбрать правильный вариант ответа.

1. Education is compulsory between the ages:

a) 4 and 15 b) 5 and 16 c) 5 and 18

2. Prince William went to:

a) Eton b) Harrow c) Winchester

3. Boarding school means that:

a) It is abroad b) Students live there c) There are only boys there.

4. Core subjects in secondary schools are:

a) English, History, Art b) Art, Technology, PE c) English, Maths, Science.

5. There are … terms in a school year:

a) 3 b) 4 c) 5

The keys:

1 – b

2 – a

3 – b

4 – c

5 – a

  1. Завершающийэтапурока

Teacher:So, our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. You are hard-working children. I'm satisfied with you. Your homework will be the following: at home you should do next exercise ………… in the written form.

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